May 29, 2010

buen dia puerto Vallarta!!!

excelente dia y clima aca en bahia de banderas. se ve un poco mas de gente caminando y mas barcos saliendo a pescar y velear. apoyemos al turismo nacional con descuentos en los paseos!!

May 27, 2010

Puerto Vallarta is a pretty hot day here!!! fishing is getting better! Marlin is getting closer and tuna is in the horizon... rooster fish and sailfish is there 2! lets´s go fishing!

May 25, 2010

sunny day!

Buenos dias! it a sunny day here in Puerto Vallarta and it´s kind of slow too! here at the Marina you can see a couple of Mexican families walking around,the same is with people from Texas,California, and few Canadians. hopefuly they are having a great time!!!

May 24, 2010

ok!! this is our blog!

well, this is it. please feel free to share your experiences in Puerto Vallarta and make this blog your blog!