Aug 1, 2011

fishing report August 2011

Hola to all my fishing buddies from our beautiful city of PuertoVallarta!
the tuna continues to amaze me,We are still landing tuna in the 6hr charters at the south side of the bay.
they are much smaller than what we are use to in these waters. (20lb to 150lb)  but put up a great fight,specially using light 20lb test line.

 We have been using live bait,castmasters of all kinds & luhrs and all seems to work just fine.
Small dorado (mahi-mahi) and sailifish are finaly starting to show up, but Marlin,are still a no show in the 8hr charters. you still need a 10hr to 12hr charter to have a chance with the blue and black marlin.
hopefuly soon we will start spoting Marlin in the 8hr range
do not forget to visit Puerto Vallarta fishing for more information about our charters
Well,untill next time...
your fishing buddy: