Good morning!
Its been a while since our last post, we have been through some changes here and there, so I apologize to our readers.
Let´s go straight to the point: Hurricane Bud.
It is amazing how the media blow the things up. here is an example:
Now.. in other subject...
Its been a while since our last post, we have been through some changes here and there, so I apologize to our readers.
Let´s go straight to the point: Hurricane Bud.
It is amazing how the media blow the things up. here is an example:
(CNN America´s website header):
"Hurricane Bud to slam Mexico's southwestern coast"
Come on... why not like this: "Hurricane bud is weakening as it gets closer to Mexico´s southwestern coast"
Here is my latest picture (today 8:00am)

That´s how Marina Vallarta looks this morning.
Puerto Vallarta authorities closed schools for the day and we are especting rain during the afternoon and night.Now.. in other subject...
Fishing is getting better and better!

Tuna,mahi-mahi,sailfish,marlin,jacks,sierras,bonitas and snappers are out there!
Yesterday Aaron Bergman and Captain Hector went to "el Faro" located 24 miles away from Marina Vallarta and came back with a feast of fish!
If you want to know more about fishing in Puerto Vallarta please visit our website:
Stay tuned for our next report!
Your amigo in PV: Juan Carlos