Hola! To
all my fishing buddies
This month
has been very good if you are looking for Mahi-mahi, Sailfish, and rooster fish.
We are also landing smaller game fish like sierra and artic bonnita. This week i had an oportunity to go out with
my wife Genovie and friend Kathy with Captain Hector (Tortas) on an 8 hour
charter. We started off at (el morro) island which is located about 22 miles from the marina,
there we landed several Sierra and artic bonnita in the 4 to 8lb range. From
there we proceeded towards the fishing grounds 5 miles from the Sayulita
shore were we started using live bait and trolling at about 6 knots for
sailfish and Mahimahi, and were not
disappointed as we landed 4 nice mahimahi
in the 20 to 30lb range within an 1 ½ hours . As the day progressed we hooked on to
a nice sailfish that put on quite a show
for us. So in all we had a great day. So we will be waiting for you here at
Charlys fishing for a memorable day of fishing.Enjoy the pictures!
Until next
fishing buddy Jonathan & Charly´s team.